Why This Audit Matters Protecting public health and safety and limiting the probability of certain types of damage or degradation as a result of the design or construction of a building are key objectives of the Ontario Building Code. This is why the Chief Building Official (CBO) and building inspectors role in enforcing the Building […]
This report provides the results of our follow-up of selected recommendations conducted in the second half of 2022, and a high-level summary of outstanding recommendations for all City divisions and its agencies and corporations, as of December 30, 2022. Since inception (January 1999) to December 2022, the Auditor General has verified 80% of recommendations as […]
The attached report provides Audit Committee with information on the Auditor General’s 2023 Operating Budget request of $7.350 million, which is consistent with the Auditor General’s 2022 Operating Budget. The Auditor General’s 2023 Operating Budget represents approximately 0.045% of the City’s 2023 Proposed Operating Budget. The Auditor General’s budget request reflects resources needed to address […]
The purpose of this report is to provide City Council with an overview of the work the Auditor General plans to conduct in 2023. Audit projects included in the Annual Work Plan are identified through a risk assessment process conducted periodically, a review of emerging issues, and a review of trends in allegations made to […]
Benefits of the Fraud and Waste Hotline Program Protect City assets Reduce losses Deter fraud, wrongdoing and waste Strengthen internal controls Improve policies and procedures Increase operational efficiencies Identify trends, address risks, make action-oriented recommendations to management and inform our audit work plan Responsibility to Report Wrongdoing The Disclosure of Wrongdoing and Reprisal Protection policy, […]
The purpose of this report is to provide an update on a fraud and waste complaint received, the subsequent action taken on the allegations and that management continues to work on the matters raised. In mid-2016, the City’s Fraud and Waste Hotline (operated by the Auditor General’s Office) received a complaint alleging a utility contracting services […]
PDF version of the ‘At a glance’ for this report Why This Review Matters In a city with almost 3 million people, demand for police resources is high. Response times are increasing and the Toronto Police Service (TPS) must determine the most efficient and effective allocation and use of its front-line priority response unit (PRU) […]
Read the full report Purpose of this Overall Common Themes Report The purpose of this overall common themes report is to highlight key messages and themes common to both of these reports, which span the continuum of front-line policing: from the time when a member of the public calls 9-1-1 or the TPS non-emergency line […]
PDF version of the ‘At A Glance’ for this report Why This Audit Matters Toronto Police Service (TPS) operates the 9-1-1 Public Safety Answering Point (PSAP) for the City. The PSAP is the first point of contact for those dialing 9-1-1 to receive emergency assistance from fire, ambulance, and police. It plays a crucial role […]