The adoption of certain recommendations contained in this report will strengthen internal controls and result in efficiencies, cost savings and additional revenue. It is anticipated that potential additional annual revenue in the range of $550,000 to $1,000,000 primarily from increased provincial subsidies, could be generated. The extent of future cost savings is not determinable at […]
At the July 2003 meeting of Audit Committee, the City’s external auditor, Ernst & Young, recommended that the City implement a full Disaster Recovery Plan as soon as possible. As a result of that recommendation, the Auditor General’s 2004 work plan included a review of the City’s Disaster Recovery Plan. Work currently in progress by […]
Concerns identified in relation to internal controls over the management of accounts receivable within the Parks and Recreation Division have necessitated a re-evaluation of the original audit work plan submitted to City Council.
The Auditor General’s Office contracted with LRTS Investigations Inc. to perform a review of the City’s contracts with Network Architecture Group Inc. and EDS Canada Inc. and its companies. This report provides a brief summary of LRTS’s findings and includes their complete report as an Appendix.
The Toronto Maintenance Management System is a critical tool for the management of the Transportation Services Division’s operations. The objectives for auditing the Toronto Maintenance Management System were to assess how well the system supports the operations of the Transportation Services Division and whether the ongoing development and delivery of the system is in accordance […]
The Parks and Recreation Division provides a wide range of programs and services that result in the collection and handling of significant amounts of cash, which by its nature, is susceptible to loss and misappropriation. In response to the audit risk associated with the level of cash handled, the Auditor General’s Office included in its […]
This report provides City Council with information relating to various audit recommendations made prior and subsequent to the commencement of the Toronto Computer Leasing Inquiry. This report also provides information in relation to management’s responses to the audit recommendations, as well as other actions initiated independently by management.
This report has been prepared by the Auditor General’s Office, pursuant to the Audit Committee’s request for further information in relation to 14 complaints that were received by the Auditor General’s Office (and “substantiated” upon being referred to City departments for action), and regarding the possibility of offering a reward for certain substantiated hotline complaints.
Purpose: To provide the Audit Committee with detailed information relating to the preliminary 2004 operating plan and budget for the Auditor General’s Office.