The purpose of this review is to evaluate the effectiveness of administrative internal controls within the Corporate Finance Division of the Finance Department. The review includes an evaluation of the processes and procedures within the Division in order to ensure that internal controls are effective in mitigating risks related to investment management and support sound […]
The Auditor General’s Office conducts risk assessments to identify and prioritize potential areas for review. As a result of this exercise, a review of the management of the City’s telecommunication infrastructure for voice, data and messaging services used was included in the Auditor General’s Annual Work Plan for 2004. Our objectives for reviewing the delivery […]
This report summarizes the estimated cumulative cost reductions and the estimated increased revenues resulting from various reports issued by the Auditor General’s Office from January 1, 1999 to December 31, 2004. This report also contains information relating to various audit reports containing administrative internal control recommendations made by the Auditor General’s Office. This information was […]
Complaints received by the Auditor General’s Office (related to suspected fraud or irregular activity involving City resources) may result in an investigation being conducted or may also be referred to City departments for review, as summarized in this report. In some cases, substantiated complaints have or may result in the recovery of funds to the […]
The implementation of the recommendations in this report will improve management controls over certain expenditures incurred by the Toronto Emergency Medical Services Division. Our review identified that Provincial Sales Tax has been paid on certain expenditures which are sales tax exempt. It is estimated that an amount of $60,000 is recoverable from the Province of […]
The Auditor General’s 2005 Audit Work Plan includes information describing audit projects planned during the year as well as information related to long term audit planning, special projects and follow-up on outstanding audit recommendations.
In May 2002, City Council approved an independent Auditor General’s Office for the City of Toronto. The Auditor General’s Office reports directly to Council through the Audit Committee, and as such is independent from management. As an independent office, the Auditor General submits an annual audit work plan to the Audit Committee for review and […]
The purpose of this review was to assess the adequacy of controls over payroll processing and to determine whether outstanding recommendations from previous audit reports issued by the Auditor General’s Office in relation to payroll matters have been implemented and, where appropriate, to recommend further action to improve controls.
The Auditor General’s 2004 Audit Work Plan included a follow-up review of revenue controls at the Toronto Zoo. The purpose of this review was to determine whether recommendations made in the January 15, 2001 report to the Board of Management of the Toronto Zoo, entitled “Toronto Zoo – Cash Control Procedures Review” had been implemented […]