Why This Audit Matters This report provides a roadmap to support the Shelter, Support & Housing Administration (SSHA) Division to more effectively guide each client on their journey towards stable housing. The recommendations outline the need for consistency and the robust infrastructure required to ensure a more efficient and effective approach to improving outcomes for […]
Cyberattacks are widely considered to be one of the most critical operational risks facing organizations. According to the Canadian Centre for Cyber Security Bulletin, 2021: “2021 has been marred by a series of high-profile ransomware attacks around the world… In the first half of 2021, global ransomware attacks increased by 151% when compared with the […]
Why this audit matters In 2007, when the rental replacement policy went into effect, the focus was to preserve and protect the stock of affordable rental housing. In this audit, we highlight that this legacy policy has not caught up to City’s evolving and ongoing priorities for rental housing and should be revisited. The legacy […]
Why this audit matters TCHC management is accountable for achieving its core mission of providing clean, safe, well-maintained, affordable homes for residents. The themes and lessons learned from our audit of contracted property management services can be applied to improve oversight, monitoring, and management of service delivery across TCHC’s entire portfolio. Background TCHC has a […]
Why this audit matters TCHC management is accountable for achieving its core mission of providing clean, safe, well-maintained, affordable homes for residents. The themes and lessons learned from our audit of contracted property management services can be applied to improve oversight, monitoring, and management of service delivery across TCHC’s entire portfolio. Background TCHC has a […]
It is important to analyze long-term multi-million dollar contracts that are ready for renewal to assess if the City is receiving value for money before entering into new contracts. This report considers whether the City was receiving the best value for money by contracting out winter maintenance services (vs an in-house solution) and identifies opportunities […]
Over the past decade, the City of Toronto, like other large organizations, is increasingly conducting business and key operations online in a networked environment. This makes operations more efficient and citizens are served better. The purpose of this report is to communicate security incidents that occurred at a City division and a City organization and […]
Why This Audit Matters Because the contractors perform the majority of winter road maintenance activities for the City, it is critical that the Division properly designs and manages the contracts. If contractors do not meet their required service levels during winter snow events, the Division may not be able to ensure public and road safety […]
Why This Audit Matters The City’s home ownership assistance program (the “Program”) helps provide affordable home ownership opportunities for residents. With limited funding available to address its housing priorities, it is important for the City to ensure that the Program is having the desired positive impact on people’s lives and accomplishing its housing objectives. By […]