This report presents the results of the Auditor General’s review of the Management of Construction Contracts – Reconstruction of Queensway Eastbound Lanes. This review was conducted as part of the Auditor General’s 2006 Annual Work Plan.
This report provides the results of the Auditor General’s review of the Administration of Leases on City-owned Property. This review was conducted as part of the Auditor General’s 2006 Annual Work Plan.
This report presents the results of our review of Toronto Public Library fines and income conducted as part of the Auditor General’s 2005 Annual Work Plan. The implementation of recommendations in this report will improve management controls over fines and income, and ensure efficient and effective delivery of library services. Future savings may be determinable […]
This report presents the results of the review of Homes for the Aged Division’s residents fees and trust funds, conducted as part of the Auditor General’s 2005 Annual Work Plan.
This report represents the results of our review of the Management of City Information Technology Assets conducted as part of the Auditor General’s 2005 Annual Work Plan.
This report presents the results of our review of Toronto Fire Services conducted as part of the Auditor General’s 2005 Annual Work Plan.
The recommendations contained in this report address concerns identified during the Auditor General’s review of two specific construction contracts. The issues raised likely are applicable to other contracts throughout the City. The implementation of the recommendations will improve the way the City manages its major contracts.
This report covers the two Let’s Build projects, 3810 Bathurst Street and 1555 Jane Street. Our review identified a number of areas requiring improvement. The City has now created an Affordable Housing Office to undertake, among other things, the activities of the Let’s Build Program. Therefore, the recommendations in this report have been directed to […]
The implementation of the recommendations contained in this report will provide the Auditor General with the ability to access the records of Toronto Hydro, TEDCO and TCHC. Such access would allow City Council to request the Auditor General’s Office to conduct specific audit work, if at some point the City’s interests were compromised.