The Auditor General’s Audit Work Plan included an audit of City training activities provided by the Human Resources Division. The focus of this review was on the controls regarding the planning, development and implementation of the City enterprise eLearning initiative (ELI). This audit could not provide assurance that the City is receiving the anticipated value […]
The Auditor General’s 2014 Audit Work Plan included an audit of City-wide training activities and operational controls. The Human Resources Division provides corporate training initiatives and related support to City Divisions and employees. The purpose of the audit was to determine if training services delivered by the Human Resources Division are effective and efficient. The […]
The Auditor General’s 2013 Audit Work Plan included a review of employees’ absenteeism due to illness or personal injury. Absenteeism has a direct impact on productivity that often results in additional costs to the city from employment of replacement staff and overtime. In 2013, the estimated direct cost of salaries paid to absent employees amounted […]
The Auditor General’s annual work plan included a review of the Information and Technology Division’s SAP Competency Centre. The objective of this audit was to review the adequacy and effectiveness of practices used by the SAP Competency Centre in managing the SAP Program with a view to identifying opportunities for improvement and cost savings. Our […]
Complaints to the Fraud and Waste Hotline Program have highlighted issues with attendance management and specifically the potential for employees to misuse sick leave banks, particularly prior to retirement. In view of this, we included a limited review of these issues in our 2008 Work Plan. The overall objective of this review was to assess […]
The purpose of this review was to determine whether recommendations made in the Auditor General’s report dated January 22, 2001, entitled “Corporate Absenteeism/Attendance Management Review” had been implemented and if appropriate, recommend further action.