The Auditor General’s 2014 Audit Work Plan included an audit of City-wide training activities and operational controls. The Human Resources Division provides corporate training initiatives and related support to City Divisions and employees. The purpose of the audit was to determine if training services delivered by the Human Resources Division are effective and efficient.
The City of Toronto’s workforce is a key resource for the City. The labour costs for a workforce of over 34,500 employees accounts for almost half of the City’s operating budget. A properly trained workforce has been shown to be more productive. Addressing the recommendations in this audit report will strengthen the controls to ensure the City’s investment in Corporate training initiatives is being effectively and efficiently used to improve on the knowledge and skills of the City’s workforce.
The actions taken by management will align certain divisional training requirements with the Corporate training plan. This will support the achievement of City Council’s strategic directions for the workforce as outlined in the Talent Blueprint.
This report contains ten recommendations along with management’s response to each recommendation.