The implementation of recommendations contained in the 2011 audit report entitled “311 Toronto – Full Potential For Improving Customer Service Has Yet To Be Realized” was assessed in early 2013. The purpose of this report is to inform the Audit Committee of the implementation status of recommendations in the 311 audit report. The 2011 audit […]
This report provides information regarding the implementation status of audit recommendations contained in various reports issued by the Auditor General to City divisions. On an annual basis the Auditor General reviews the implementation status of outstanding audit recommendations and reports the results of the review to Council through Audit Committee. Since July 1, 2007 the […]
This report provides information regarding the implementation status of recommendations made by the Forensic Unit of the Auditor General’s Office which were publicly reported through Audit Committee. These recommendations were made in the context of annual Fraud and Waste Hotline reports or other special reviews such as the 2012 report on Improving, Reporting and Monitoring […]
The Auditor General’s Office is governed by a detailed Policies and Procedures Manual. The contents of the Manual are based on the need for the Office to comply with generally accepted government auditing standards. The Manual is a public document and is available on the Auditor General’s Web site and has been used extensively as […]
The Auditor General’s 2012 Annual Work Plan included an operational review of the Children’s Services Division. At the Audit Committee on October 25, 2012, the Auditor General reported that this review was commenced late in 2012 and was expected to be completed during 2013. Based on the audit planning work conducted to date, we understand […]
The Auditor General’s Work plan included an audit of revenue controls in community recreation centres of the Parks, Forestry and Recreation Division and an audit of the process for updating employee records upon separation from employment with the City administered by the Pension, Payroll and Employee Benefits Division. In both of these audits we concluded […]
The purpose of this report is to provide the Audit Committee with information regarding the Auditor General’s proposed external peer review. Government Auditing Standards state that “Audit organizations performing audits and attestation engagements in accordance with GAGAS (Generally Accepted Government Auditing Standards) must have an external peer review performed by reviewers independent of the audit […]
The Auditor General presented the findings, conclusions and recommendations from his report to the Toronto Board of Health in December 2007. Because the City’s pandemic planning is still in progress, the purpose of the audit was to provide a snapshot of what the City has accomplished and what work remains to be completed in preparing […]
At its meeting of November 26, 2007, the Executive Committee requested the Auditor General and the Integrity Commissioner to submit a report directly to Council for its meeting scheduled to be held on December 11, 2007, “on an appropriate protocol penalty if Members of Council do not comply with the Council policy with respect to […]