This report provides information related to the results of the Auditor General’s 2014 audit of the use of service efficiency consultants which was included in the 2014 Audit Work Plan and a January 2015 Budget Committee request related to the implementation status of the KPMG City of Toronto – Shared Services Efficiency Study. Auditor General’s […]
The Auditor General’s 2014 Work Plan included a review of the City’s non-union employee separation costs. The City has statutory and legal obligations to provide separation pay to an affected employee when the employment relationship is terminated by the City. From 2011 to 2013, 90 terminated non-union employees received separation payments. Annually, this represents less […]
The Auditor General’s Audit Work Plan included a review of City construction contract warranties. This review was selected due to the significant amount of funds involved and previous Auditor General reports identifying deficiencies in construction project warranty tracking and follow-up. This report provides four recommendations which will strengthen controls over construction contract warranties. The implementation […]
The Auditor General’s annual work plan included a review of the administration of development funds. The objective of this review was to assess the adequacy of procedures implemented by management to ensure that development charges, education development charges, and parkland levies are being effectively and efficiently administered. Our review identified a number of areas where […]
At the July 2003 meeting of Audit Committee, the City’s external auditor, Ernst & Young, recommended that the City implement a full Disaster Recovery Plan as soon as possible. As a result of that recommendation, the Auditor General’s 2004 work plan included a review of the City’s Disaster Recovery Plan. Work currently in progress by […]