The purpose of this report is to provide City Council with details of the Auditor General’s 2009 Audit Work Plan. The 2009 Audit Work Plan is attached as Appendix 1 and Appendix 2 to this report. The 2009 Audit Work Plan is a combination of audits in progress, new audits, annual recurring projects and various […]
The purpose of this report is to provide City Council with details of the Auditor General’s 2008 Audit Work Plan. The 2008 Audit Work Plan is attached as Appendix 1 and Appendix 2 to this report. The 2008 Audit Work Plan is a combination of projects in progress, new projects, annual recurring audits, various investigations […]
The Auditor General’s By-law requires that the Auditor General submit an annual work plan to City Council, which summarizes the projects to be undertaken during the year. This work plan was submitted to City Council on April 25, 26 and 27, 2006, and was based on information available to the Auditor General at the time. […]
The 2006 Audit Work Plan provides a balance of audit work that once complete, will result in improving the overall operations of the City by strengthening management controls, improving accountability and enhancing the efficiency and effectiveness of municipal services.
The Auditor General’s 2005 Audit Work Plan includes information describing audit projects planned during the year as well as information related to long term audit planning, special projects and follow-up on outstanding audit recommendations.
Purpose: To provide the Audit Committee with the terms of reference for certain audit projects included in the 2004 Audit Work Plan that will be commencing shortly. Background: Each year my office provides a work plan to the Audit Committee that summarizes the projects that will be undertaken. Part of our audit process requires the […]
At the July 2003 meeting of Audit Committee, the City’s external auditor, Ernst & Young, recommended that the City implement a full Disaster Recovery Plan as soon as possible. As a result of that recommendation, the Auditor General’s 2004 work plan included a review of the City’s Disaster Recovery Plan. Work currently in progress by […]
Concerns identified in relation to internal controls over the management of accounts receivable within the Parks and Recreation Division have necessitated a re-evaluation of the original audit work plan submitted to City Council.
The 2004 Work Plan is a combination of projects in progress carried forward to 2004, projects identified as a result of the 2004 risk analysis, annual recurring audits, follow-up audits, forensic investigations, and projects requested by City Council. The work plan also considered projects planned by the Toronto Transit Commission, the Toronto Police Service and […]