The Auditor General’s 2005 Audit Work Plan includes information describing audit projects planned during the year as well as information related to long term audit planning, special projects and follow-up on outstanding audit recommendations.
Purpose: To provide the Audit Committee with the terms of reference for certain audit projects included in the 2004 Audit Work Plan that will be commencing shortly. Background: Each year my office provides a work plan to the Audit Committee that summarizes the projects that will be undertaken. Part of our audit process requires the […]
At the July 2003 meeting of Audit Committee, the City’s external auditor, Ernst & Young, recommended that the City implement a full Disaster Recovery Plan as soon as possible. As a result of that recommendation, the Auditor General’s 2004 work plan included a review of the City’s Disaster Recovery Plan. Work currently in progress by […]
Concerns identified in relation to internal controls over the management of accounts receivable within the Parks and Recreation Division have necessitated a re-evaluation of the original audit work plan submitted to City Council.
The 2004 Work Plan is a combination of projects in progress carried forward to 2004, projects identified as a result of the 2004 risk analysis, annual recurring audits, follow-up audits, forensic investigations, and projects requested by City Council. The work plan also considered projects planned by the Toronto Transit Commission, the Toronto Police Service and […]