The purpose of this report is to provide City Council with information on the status of the implemetation of audit recommendations contained in various reports issued by the Auditor General
Purpose To provide the Audit Committee with information related to the Auditor General’s proposed process for follow-up on outstanding audit recommendations. Background By-law 457-2002 of the City of Toronto requires that the Auditor General follow up on audit recommendations made in audit reports. Government Auditing Standards state that while management is responsible for addressing audit […]
At its meeting held on February 10, 2005, the Toronto Police Services Board was in receipt of a number of reports, written submissions and deputations pertaining to the Auditor General’s follow-up review of the October 1999 report on the review of investigations conducted by the Toronto Police Service with regard to sexual assaults. The purpose […]
The Auditor General’s 2004 Audit Work Plan included a follow-up review of revenue controls at the Toronto Zoo. The purpose of this review was to determine whether recommendations made in the January 15, 2001 report to the Board of Management of the Toronto Zoo, entitled “Toronto Zoo – Cash Control Procedures Review” had been implemented […]
The purpose of this review was to determine whether recommendations made in the Auditor General’s report dated January 22, 2001, entitled “Corporate Absenteeism/Attendance Management Review” had been implemented and if appropriate, recommend further action.
This report provides City Council with information relating to various audit recommendations made prior and subsequent to the commencement of the Toronto Computer Leasing Inquiry. This report also provides information in relation to management’s responses to the audit recommendations, as well as other actions initiated independently by management.
This report has been prepared by the Auditor General’s Office, pursuant to the Audit Committee’s request for further information in relation to 14 complaints that were received by the Auditor General’s Office (and “substantiated” upon being referred to City departments for action), and regarding the possibility of offering a reward for certain substantiated hotline complaints.