In 2019 the City spent $152 million to provide employee health benefits. Dental benefits amounted to $51.9 million or 34 per cent of total benefit costs. Testing the controls to ensure claims are reasonable and legitimate and reviewing plan design provides a measure of assurance to City Council that the City is receiving the best […]
Since 2011 the Auditor General’s Work Plan has included a project in relation to continuous controls monitoring of selected City expenses. The objective of the Continuous Controls Monitoring Program is to provide periodic reports to management which assist in proactively monitoring financial transactions, detecting unusual expenses and identifying areas where internal controls could be strengthened. […]
Since 2011 the Auditor General’s Work Plan has included a project in relation to continuous controls monitoring of selected City expenses. The objective of the Continuous Controls Monitoring Program is to provide periodic reports to management which assist in proactively monitoring financial transactions, detecting unusual expenses and identifying areas where internal controls could be strengthened. […]
Continuous controls monitoring has highlighted unusual expenditures and enabled management to address related payroll expenses in a proactive and timely manner.The Auditor General’s Continuous Controls Monitoring Program was initiated with an intention to expand to include other operational areas within the City including Agencies and Corporations. In July 2012, continuous controls monitoring was initiated at […]
The Auditor General initiated continuous controls monitoring of overtime and other payroll related expenses at the City in 2011. This program was expanded to Toronto Transit Commission in 2012. The objective of the program is to develop exception reports to proactively identify unusual levels of overtime and other expenses on an ongoing basis. Since the […]
The Auditor General’s Work Plan includes the development of a system of continuous controls monitoring for selected City expenses. The Continuous Controls Monitoring Program was initiated in 2011. Initial expenses selected for continuous monitoring were employee overtime and mileage reimbursements. In 2012, the program was expanded to include standby pay. In January 2013, the Auditor […]
The Auditor General initiated continuous control monitoring of overtime and other payroll related expenses at the Toronto Transit Commission in 2012. The objective of the program is to develop exception reports to pro-actively identify unusual levels of overtime and other expenses on an ongoing basis. Since the initiation of the program, the Auditor General has […]
The Auditor General’s Work Plan included the development of a system of continuous controls monitoring for selected City expenses. The objective of the Continuous Controls Monitoring Program is to provide periodic reports to management which assist in proactively monitoring financial transactions, detecting unusual expenses and identifying areas where internal controls could be strengthened. The Continuous […]
The Auditor General’s Work Plan included the development of a system of continuous controls monitoring for selected City expenses. The objective of the Continuous Controls Monitoring Program is to provide periodic reports to management which assist in proactively monitoring financial transactions, detecting unusual expenses and identifying areas where internal controls could be strengthened. The Auditor […]