Why This Audit Matters The Engineering and Construction Services (ECS) Division delivers approximately $500 million annually in capital projects, including the construction of bridges, roads, sewers, and treatment plants. Ensuring that there are sufficient controls over these projects, including timely inspections and rectification of deficiencies, is vital to providing safe and sustainable infrastructure for the […]
This report presents the results of the Auditor General’s review of the Management of Construction Contracts – Reconstruction of Queensway Eastbound Lanes. This review was conducted as part of the Auditor General’s 2006 Annual Work Plan.
This report covers the two Let’s Build projects, 3810 Bathurst Street and 1555 Jane Street. Our review identified a number of areas requiring improvement. The City has now created an Affordable Housing Office to undertake, among other things, the activities of the Let’s Build Program. Therefore, the recommendations in this report have been directed to […]
The Auditor General’s Office contracted with LRTS Investigations Inc. to perform a review of the City’s contracts with Network Architecture Group Inc. and EDS Canada Inc. and its companies. This report provides a brief summary of LRTS’s findings and includes their complete report as an Appendix.