Over the past number of weeks, significant concerns have been raised in connection with the activities of one of the former subsidiary companies of Toronto Community Housing Corporation (TCHC). The Auditor General has had discussions with both the Chair of the Board and the President and Chief Executive Officer, in connection with this matter. The results of the investigation into the subsidiary company are currently under review by the Toronto Police Service and consequently, it is not appropriate to comment specifically on this matter further.
Any investigations conducted by TCHC are not conducted in isolation from the City. The Auditor General is apprised of all such investigations and meets on a regular basis with senior management at the TCHC as well as the Chief Internal Auditor. Investigative reports are shared with the Auditor General.
In addition, the Auditor General conducts a follow-up review on the status of all outstanding recommendations relating to audit reports issued by his office. In 2011 and 2012, the Auditor General issued five reports to the TCHC containing 80 recommendations. Each one of these recommendations has either been implemented or is in the course of being implemented. The implementation of these recommendations is receiving significant and ongoing attention and is being dealt with appropriately. The Auditor General will report out on the status of all recommendations in June 2014.