The Auditor General’s revised 2013 Work Plan included a review of the redevelopment of the Sony Centre for the Performing Arts (“Sony Centre”). The objective of this review was to assess the management of the redevelopment of the Sony Centre for the Performing Arts and its effectiveness in achieving the objectives in its business plan.
The attached audit report contains 12 recommendations. Four of the recommendations relate to improving coordination and co-operation between the City and its agencies and corporations. The remaining eight recommendations relate to improving Board oversight, improve existing policies and procedures, and the need to strengthen management and administrative controls at the Sony Centre.
The audit results and recommendations are contained in the attached report entitled “Review of the Redevelopment of the Sony Centre for the Performing Arts”. Both the Sony Centre and the City’s management responses to the audit recommendations are also attached.
While the recommendations in this report relate to the Sony Centre, they should be viewed as having relevance for the Toronto Centre for the Arts and the St. Lawrence Centre for the Arts, particularly given the renovations planned for the former.