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The Auditor General’s 2010 Work Plan included a review of controls over the City’s economic stimulus program and projects funded through intergovernmental agreements with the federal and provincial governments.

The objective of this review was to assess the effectiveness of practices implemented to ensure that adequate oversight, internal control, performance measurement and reporting systems are in place to support the management and administration of the City’s stimulus program.

The specific objectives of the audit were to determine whether:

  • Efficient and effective administrative processes were implemented to ensure stimulus projects were selected in a timely and reasonable manner
  • Infrastructure Stimulus Funding (ISF) and Recreational Infrastructure Canada Program (RInC-REC) projects were effectively monitored to avoid unnecessary delays
  • Program goals were achieved and the public benefits of the stimulus program were reported in a clear, accurate, transparent and timely manner
  • Adequate quality assurance and financial controls were implemented to mitigate risks within accelerated processes and to ensure stimulus funds were used for authorized purposes.

This report contains 11 recommendations along with a management response to each of the recommendations.