Red light cameras are used in many jurisdictions around the world to enhance enforcement efforts aimed at the reduction in red light running and the resulting accidents. The City of Toronto’s program was initiated in November 2000 with the installation of 10 cameras rotating between 38 intersections. Currently, the City has 87 cameras operating among 114 locations.
The Auditor General’s 2010 Work Plan included a review of the effectiveness of the Red Light Camera program. The objectives were to determine if the cameras were effective in reducing the number and severity of accidents related to red light running. Controls over the laying of charges and collection of fines as well as the costs and revenues associated with the program were also reviewed.
The audit report contains 10 recommendations along with a management response to each of the recommendations. The implementation of these recommendations will improve the overall effectiveness of the City’s Red Light Camera program and has the potential to increase revenue by approximately $2.5 million.