A review of the District 2 daytime residential curbside collection contract was requested by City Council at its meeting of May 17, 2011 and consequently, included in the Auditor General’s 2013 Work Plan. City Council awarded the District 2 curbside collection contract to Green For Life Environmental East Corporation at its meeting of October 24 and 25, 2011. The contracted services began on August 7, 2012 and include the collection, transportation, and off-loading of garbage, bulky items, recyclable materials, organic materials and yard waste to City transfer and processing facilities.
The objective of this review was to evaluate the adequacy and effectiveness of contract management and administrative controls in place to ensure diversion targets, customer service targets and cost savings were achieved.
This report contains 15 recommendations along with a management response to each of the recommendations. Significant cost savings have been achieved since the implementation of the Contract. Our review identifies opportunities for improving contract monitoring and reporting out of results. Addressing the recommendations in this report will strengthen the administrative controls in place to enhance contract management and ensure diversion and customer service targets continue to be met.