The Auditor General’s 2024 Work Plan included a cybersecurity audit of the Toronto Community Housing Corporation (TCHC). TCHC also provides information technology services to Toronto Seniors Housing Corporation (TSHC) which is integrated with TCHC’s enterprise information technology infrastructure and environment. As such, we also included TSHC’s systems in our audit scope.
Phase One of this cybersecurity audit, focused on an assessment of the overall network security and select critical systems, was presented at TSHC’s July 18, 2024, Board meeting and TCHC’s July 30, 2024, Board meeting. The Phase One public report is available at:
This Phase Two audit focused on the assessment of user access management and network and system event logging across the technology environment.
Toronto Seniors Housing Corporation (TSHC) provides subsidized rental housing for approximately 15,000 low and moderate-income seniors in 83 buildings across the city. TSHC began operating in June 2022 after the City’s Tenants First plan and partnered closely with TCHC which owns the buildings. Technology plays a vital role in all aspects of TSHC’s operations. Since June 2022, TCHC has been providing technology services to TSHC.
The confidential report that includes findings covering both TCHC and TSHC, with recommendations to the TCHC, has been provided to TCHC, as their Information and Technology Services Division manages TSHC’s network, systems, and applications. The Auditor General has also issued a public report to TCHC that included three administrative recommendations as follows:
- The Board adopt the confidential instructions to staff in Confidential Attachment 1 to this report from the Auditor General.
- The Board forward this report including the Confidential Attachment 1 to City Council for information through the City’s Audit Committee.
- The Board recommend City Council authorize the public release of Confidential Attachment 1 to the report from the Auditor General at the discretion of the Auditor General, after discussions with the appropriate Toronto Community Housing Corporation, Toronto Seniors Housing Corporation, and City Officials.
This separate cover report is provided to the TSHC’s Board of Directors for information. In addition, the Auditor General will be making a confidential presentation to the TSHC’s Board at its October 17, 2024, meeting.