This report provides information regarding the implementation status of audit recommendations contained in various reports issued by the Auditor General to City divisions. On an annual basis the Auditor General reviews the implementation status of
outstanding audit recommendations and reports the results of the review to Council through Audit Committee.
Management has made progress on implementing outstanding audit recommendations. Further, we noted that management continues to make progress on many recommendations not yet fully implemented.
Since July 1, 2006 the Auditor General has issued various reports containing a total of 466 recommendations. Since that time eight of these recommendations have been identified by the Auditor General as no longer relevant. These recommendations are no longer relevant as reorganizations and changes in business practices and service levels have rendered them no longer applicable. Consequently, 458 of the 466 recommendations continue to have relevance.
The results of our review indicate management has fully implemented 339 or 74 per cent of the recommendations made by the Auditor General during the five year period from July 1, 2006 to June 30, 2011.
From a historical perspective, the Auditor General has issued 1,188 recommendations since January 1, 1999. Management has fully implemented 89 per cent or 1,059 of the 1,188 recommendations included in all audit reports issued since January 1, 1999. Continued efforts to implement outstanding recommendations will provide additional benefit to the City through cost savings, additional revenue and enhanced service delivery.