This report provides information relating to the 2016-2025 Capital Budget and Plan requirements for the Auditor General’s Office. The Auditor General’s request is for $0.244 million, over the 10 year period for implementation of a software solution that will provide an audit, complaint and investigation management system.
City Council, at its meeting March 10, 2015, approved the 2015-2024 Capital Budget and Plan for the Accountability Officers, which included $0.451 million in 2015 and $0.244 million in 2016 for the Auditor General’s Office.
The 2015-2024 plan included a request for $565,000 to be funded over a two year period, $451,000 in 2015 and $114,000 in 2016. This amount was for the development of a replacement fraud and waste complaint management system for the Auditor General’s Forensic Unit. The plan also included $130,000 in 2016 for audit management software. The audit management software will improve staff efficiency in completing audits and result in the ability for staff to conduct and complete more audits.
The 2015 approved amount enabled the Auditor General to commence acquisition of an Audit, Complaint and Investigation Management System. The Auditor General’s Office is currently in the process of issuing an RFP to source this system solution. Implementation of this software application is expected in the first quarter of 2016.
The Audit, Complaint and Investigation Management System replaces the outdated complaint management database and automates working papers and risk management processes that will help to maximize the efficiency and effectiveness of the Office.